Wednesday 10 April 2013

A lesson about Traditional Korean Objects

Lesson outline

This lesson started with a review of the previous lesson, whereby, I again asked students to explain different aspects of their national flag to me.

We then showed the students the following 'title' and 'example' slides:

My co-teacher had brought in an example of a traditional Korean object from home (밥상보) and proceeded to model her explanation of it based on the questions provided in the 'example' slide. This was followed by students, randomly choosing similar slips of paper to the 'example' slide and therefore being assigned to research about a particular traditional Korean object. They were then given 15 minutes and were allowed to use the computers in the English classroom and the second floor of the building to complete their research (My co-teacher and I split them into two groups and accompanied them). Students then regathered in the English classroom and had to introduce their object to their partner.

In order to review the lesson, I had prepared a kind of bingo grid of all 19 traditional objects (hidden behind screens) and numbers were chosen by the students and consequently, a student would then have to come to the front and explain their object to the whole class.

That's all for now folks!

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