Wednesday 10 April 2013

A lesson about Inventions (Part 1)

Lesson outline

In this lesson, I wanted students to use technology and to combine this with the speaking element of the class. I began, as usual, by reviewing the previous lesson and asked some students to choose numbers from the bingo grid (see previous post) and to present their traditional Korean object to the rest of the class.

I then introduced the theme of the class, which was 'Inventions' and proceeded to ask them if they had ever invented anything - to which some of them answered "Yes". I then pursued this further by asking them to draw and explain their past inventions on the board. After this initial chit-chat, I moved on to explain the main part of this two-part lesson.

The main concept, was to get the students to think of an object from their home, such as a chair and then to think of a random object, such as CDs - they would then have to loosely relate or combine these two elements in their invention design (An example of which is given above).

Students were shown two further examples, one of which, was by a Korean inventor (See above photos). They were then placed into pairs and assigned random words (objects) and given the blank template worksheet to start thinking about their invention designs. Students were also informed that they had to be able to answer a set of questions about their invention in the speaking element of the lesson, which was to be next week (see below).

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