Monday 5 November 2012

A lesson about HALLOWEEN

Lesson outline

This year, my students were lucky enough to have class on Halloween day
- which made it all the more special.

I was teaching with my co-teacher Miss Lee and we wanted to achieve two things:

a) Provide the students with some background knowledge about Halloween
b) Let them experience some of the more traditional Halloween games

In Miss Lee’s class, the students read about Halloween and the origin of the
Jack-o'-lantern. The students then decorated their own pumpkin balloons and hung them in the English classroom. We helped adorn the English classroom and wore costumes too!

In our speaking class, we played Halloween Taboo with the students in order to get them to speak. The students were split into four teams and one member from each team (in turn) would explain a word to the rest of the class. If the team members belonging to the person doing the explaining answered correctly, they would get 2 points - a different team answering correctly would only get 1 point. This game was played at the beginning of the class and each person had only 30 seconds to explain their given word. If they successfully explained it within the given time limit and someone guessed correctly, then their team would be awarded some bonus points. 

Finally, the last activity was based upon the traditional Halloween game of Apple Bobbing. I showed them a ppt slide of the game and introduced its origins. I then broke the news that we couldn't actually play it because of the mess the water would make and that apples were too expensive at this time of year. Instead we decided to do our own alternative version ^_^

Cookie Bobbing

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